⋅ Music 7


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Music 7 - Parent/Community Course Guide

Adopted by Board of School Directors on April 2022
Grade Levels
: 07 |

Course Description

Playing and reading melodic/rhythmic examples.

Music History/Music appreciation.

Core Curriculum Content Standards

PA Academic

Arts and Humanities (2002)
Production, Performance and Exhibition of Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts
  • Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and humanities. Elements -Dance: • energy/force • space • time -Music: • duration • intensity • pitch • timbre -Theatre: • scenario • script/text • set design -Visual Arts: • color • form/shape • line • space • texture • value Principles -Dance: • choreography • form • genre • improvisation • style • technique -Music: • composition • form • genre • harmony • rhythm • texture -Theatre: • balance • collaboration • discipline • emphasis • focus • intention • movement • rhythm • style • voice -Visual Arts: • balance • contrast • emphasis/focal point • movement/rhythm • proportion/scale • repetition • unity/harmony (9.1.8.A)
  • Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate arts elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works in the arts. -Dance: • move • perform • read and notate dance • create and choreograph • improvise -Music: • sing • play an instrument • read and notate music • compose and arrange •improvise -Theatre: • stage productions • read and write scripts • improvise • interpret a role • design sets • direct -Visual Arts: • paint • draw • craft • sculpt • print • design for environment, communication, multi-media (9.1.8.B)
  • Identify and use comprehensive vocabulary within each of the arts forms. (9.1.8.C)
  • Demonstrate knowledge of at least two styles within each art form through performance or exhibition of unique works. (9.1.8.D)
  • Communicate a unifying theme or point of view through the production of works in the arts. (9.1.8.E)
  • Explain works of others within each art form through performance or exhibition. (9.1.8.F)
  • Explain the function and benefits of rehearsal and practice sessions. (9.1.8.G)
  • Demonstrate and maintain materials, equipment and tools safely at work and performance spaces. -Analyze the use of materials. -Explain issues of cleanliness related to the arts. -Explain the use of mechanical/electrical equipment. -Demonstrate how to work in selected physical space/environment. -Demonstrate the selection of safe props/stage equipment. -Demonstrate methods for storing materials in the arts. (9.1.8.H)
  • Incorporate specific uses of traditional and contemporary technologies within the design for producing, performing and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others. -Explain and demonstrate traditional technologies (e.g., paint, tools, sponges, weaving designs, instruments, natural pigments/glazes). -Explain and demonstrate contemporary technologies (e.g., MIDI keyboards, Internet design, computers, interactive technologies, audio/sound equipment, board-mixer, video equipment, computerized lighting design). (9.1.8.J)
  • Incorporate specific uses of traditional and contemporary technologies in furthering knowledge and understanding in the humanities. (9.1.8.K)

  • National

    Standards for Music (2013-14)
    Grades 5-8
  • Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music (MUSIC.5-8.1)
  • Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music (MUSIC.5-8.2)
  • Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments (MUSIC.5-8.3)
  • Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines (MUSIC.5-8.4)
  • Reading and notating music (MUSIC.5-8.5)
  • Listening to, analyzing, and describing music (MUSIC.5-8.6)
  • Evaluating music and music performances (MUSIC.5-8.7)
  • Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts (MUSIC.5-8.8)
  • Understanding music in relation to history and culture (MUSIC.5-8.9)

  • Units

    Unit #1 - Unit 1: Introduction of class expectations. Music
    Unit #2 - Unit 2: General concepts. Note names/values. Vocab
    Unit #3 - Units #3 Graphic Organizer on Music History Ti
    Unit #4 - The Middle Ages
    Unit #5 - Renaissance Music
    Unit #6 - Baroque Music
    Unit #7 - Unit Test on Middle Ages-Baroque
    Unit #8 - The Classical Period
    Unit #9 - Instrument Families
    Unit #10 - The Romantic Period
    Unit #11 - Quiz on Classical and Romantic Periods
    Unit #12 - 20th Century Music
    Unit #13 - American Composers
    Unit #14 - Blues/Jazz/Swing
    Unit #15 - 1950's Rock and Roll
    Unit #16 - 1960's Rock Music
    Unit #17 - The Beatles
    Unit #18 - Music of the 70's, 80's, 90's and 2000's
    Unit #19 - Rock Music Question Page
    Unit #20 - CD Cover Design Project
    Unit #21 - Fact Finding (cross-curricular with Computer and Library)
    Unit #22 - Music Technology Lessons

    Course Resources