⋅ Band II


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Band II - Parent/Community Course Guide

Adopted by Board of School Directors on April 2022
Grade Levels
: 05 | 06 |

Course Description

This course develops musicianship through instrumental music lessons.   Woodwind, Brass, and percussion lessons are offered to 5th, and 6th grade students, who have completed the Band I Course or comparable course at another school district. Group lessons are offered once every six schools days during the student day to help students learn to read and to perform music on their instruments. Students are given the opportunity to participate in the elementary band during the second semester.

Core Curriculum Content Standards

PA Academic

Arts and Humanities (2002)
Production, Performance and Exhibition of Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts
  • Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and humanities. Elements -Dance: • energy/force • space • time -Music: • duration • intensity • pitch • timbre -Theatre: • scenario • script/text • set design -Visual Arts: • color • form/shape • line • space • texture • value Principles -Dance: • choreography • form • genre • improvisation • style • technique -Music: • composition • form • genre • harmony • rhythm • texture -Theatre: • balance • collaboration • discipline • emphasis • focus • intention • movement • rhythm • style • voice -Visual Arts: • balance • contrast • emphasis/focal point • movement/rhythm • proportion/scale • repetition • unity/harmony (9.1.5.A)
  • Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate arts elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works in the arts. -Dance: • move • perform • read and notate dance • create and choreograph • improvise -Music: • sing • play an instrument • read and notate music • compose and arrange •improvise -Theatre: • stage productions • read and write scripts • improvise • interpret a role • design sets • direct -Visual Arts: • paint • draw • craft • sculpt • print • design for environment, communication, multi-media (9.1.5.B)
  • Know and use fundamental vocabulary within each of the arts forms. (9.1.5.C)
  • Identify the function and benefits of rehearsal and practice sessions. (9.1.5.G)

  • Units

    Unit #1 - Rhythmic Development
    Unit #2 - Sequential Introduction of Pitches
    Unit #3 - Articulations
    Unit #4 - Music Theory

    Course Resources

    • Sound Innovations for Concert Band, Book 1
    • Sound Innovations for Concert Band, Book 2
    • SmartMusic - music learning software
    • Ensemble performance music