⋅ Family & Consumer Science 8


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Family & Consumer Science 8 - Parent/Community Course Guide

Adopted by Board of School Directors on March 2014
Grade Levels
: 08 |

Course Description


This course focuses on four main areas within the Family and Consumer Science program: money management, textiles, food preparation and consumer skills. Topics to be addressed in the money management unit include savings, budgeting, use of credit, identity theft and other issues related to personal finance. Students will open and manage an individual class checking account.  In our textiles unit, students will demonstrate practical hand sewing skills through the creation of a felt creature.  Through cooking labs, students will learn how to read and follow a recipe, using basic kitchen tools and equipment. Proper kitchen safety procedures and safe food handling techniques will be emphasized and followed during all labs. Decision-making and problem solving skills will be incorporated into every lesson. Basic nutrition concepts will show the connection between personal food choices and how these selections impact overall health and wellness throughout the life cycle. Consumer rights and responsibilities will be introduced with an emphasis on choices/consequences associated with purchasing goods and services. The goal of the course is to increase the financial literacy of our students and help prepare them to be wise consumers in the real world.



Core Curriculum Content Standards

PA Academic

Family and Consumer Sciences (2002)
Financial and Resource Management
  • Justify the decision to use or not use resources based on scarcity. (11.1.6.A)
  • Know the relationship of the components of a simple spending plan and how that relationship allows for managing income, expenses and savings. (11.1.6.B)
  • Analyze information in care instructions, safety precautions and the use of consumable goods as a demonstration of understanding of consumer rights and responsibilities. (11.1.6.D)
  • Explain the principles of child labor laws and the opportunity cost of working by evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of holding a job while a teenager. (11.1.6.E)
  • Explain practices to maintain and/or repair consumer goods and services. (11.1.6.F)
  • Identify the public and nonpublic services that are available to serve families within the community. (11.1.6.G)
  • GRADE 9
  • Explain the responsibilities associated with managing personal finances (e.g., savings, checking, credit, non- cash systems, investments, insurance). (11.1.9.B)
  • Balancing Family, Work, and Community Responsibility
    Grade 6
  • Contrast the solutions reached through the use of a simple decision making process that includes analyzing consequences of alternative solutions against snap decision making methods. (11.2.6.A)
  • Deduce the importance of time management skills (e.g. home, school, recreational activities). (11.2.6.B)
  • Classify the components of effective teamwork and leadership. (11.2.6.C)
  • Identify the characteristics of the stages of the family life cycle (e.g., beginning, expanding, developing, launching, middle years, retirement, variations). (11.2.6.G)
  • Food Science and Nutrition
    Grade 6
  • Demonstrate knowledge of techniques used to evaluate food in various forms (e.g., canned, frozen, dried, irradiated). (11.3.6.A)
  • Describe safe food handling techniques (e.g., storage, temperature control, food preparation, conditions that create a safe working environment for food production). (11.3.6.B)
  • Analyze factors that effect food choices. (11.3.6.C)
  • Describe a well-balanced daily menu using the dietary guidelines and the food guide pyramid. (11.3.6.D)
  • Explain the relationship between calories, nutrient and food input versus energy output; describe digestion. (11.3.6.E)
  • Analyze basic food preparation techniques and food-handling procedures. (11.3.6.F)
  • Describe the physical, biological, and chemical changes that take place in food preparation. (11.3.6.G)

  • Units

    Unit #1 - Basic Money Management
    Unit #2 - Clothing and Textiles
    Unit #3 - Basic Food Preparation & Consumer Skills

    Course Resources

    No Course Textbook