1. Be polite and helpful to others
2. Respect people, feelings, and property
3. Be responsible for your behavior and work
4. Listen
5. Obey all school rules
Students who do not meet the above expectations will be given one free warning.If the inappropriate behavior continues, a yellow card will be given to serve as a visual reminder.A student who receives a yellow card will lose 10 minutes of recess and also write a letter to you explaining why he/ she received the yellow card.If the inappropriate behavior persists, a red a card will be given.If the student receives a red card, all of recess will be lost, a note will be written, and I may call home.The note sent home will either be written by the student or myself and must be signed and returned the next day.If you receive a letter or a phone call, please discuss with your child his/her actions and ways to improve.In case of a severely inappropriate behavior, your child will automatically be referred to the office.
My goals for the year are to help your child improve responsibility and organization, become a better citizen, develop a positive sense of self, and develop a love of learning.I look forward to working with you to make sixth grade a positive and rewarding experience for everyone.I can be reached at (school) 626-3703 or E-mail