J R Bonfield Elementary

Step Up Letter 2024-2025

June 6, 2024

Dear Fourth Graders and Families,

Welcome to 4th grade!  I am so excited to have you in my class! It’s hard to believe that summer is just around the corner.  Before we know it, the new school year will be upon us!  

Over the summer, please try to continue reading 15-20 minutes every day, and be sure to practice your multiplication facts. Knowing your facts is SO important to being successful in fourth grade math.

For those of you who like to shop early for school supplies, this paragraph is for you. Most of your “school tools” will be provided for you, including crayons, scissors, glue sticks, colored pencils, markers, and most folders. Other materials will be provided as needed throughout the year. Therefore, you should NOT bring any of the above-mentioned supplies. If you do, I will probably send them back home :)  However, it would be fabulous if you could purchase and send in the following items: 

  1. an inexpensive pair of earbuds or headphones to be kept at school
  2. a homework folder - not a binder, just a fun folder of your choice
  3. at least one box of tissues

Traditional school pencils and little pink erasers will be provided for you, but it’s okay with me if you bring some of your own.

Finally, I strongly encourage you to purchase a set of multiplication flash cards and a set of division flash cards, which will be kept and used AT HOME throughout the 2024-2025 school year for your weekly math fact practice.

Well, that’s it!  I will see you in August!  I hope you come to school prepared to learn, have fun, and work as a team!  Have a wonderful, relaxing, and safe summer!  


Mrs. Sturgis

P.S. I will post this letter on my Warwick webpage, so don’t worry if you lose this sheet over the summer!