John Beck Elementary

Warrior Since: 2000

Mr. Ryan Packer

5th Grade Teacher
(717) 626-3702


Mr. Packer is originally from State College, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Lampeter-Strasburg High School in 1995. He attended Penn State University and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education in 2000. In 2006, he received his Master of Science degree in Instructional Design and Technology from Philadelphia University.
Mr. Packer has been teaching fifth grade at John Beck Elementary since September 2000. He is available for phone calls at 626-3702 after school from 2:45 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. Please also feel free to put a note in your child's planner or contact him by email.


  • Philadelphia University
    Masters, Instructional Design & Technology
  • Penn State University
    BS, Elementary Education
