John Beck Elementary

Warrior Since: 1999

Mrs. Lisa Rothermel

Kindergarten Teacher
(717) 626-3702


Mrs. Lisa Rothermel is a Kindergarten teacher at John Beck Elementary where she once was a student herself. She shares her love of learning and laughter in the classroom and strives to help each student reach their fullest educational and personal potential with a positive mindset.

Mrs. Rothermel is a Warwick graduate and lives in Lititz with her husband, their dog Brodi and puppy, Stout.  She enjoys being outside in the sunshine hiking, running, biking, paddle boarding and reading.  She and Mr. Rothermel have explored over 25 National Parks and hope to visit many more in the near future. They also enjoy visiting their daughters in Pittsburgh and Spain.




  • Millersville University
    BS, Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education
  • Wilkes University
    Masters, Educational Development and Strategies
