In lieu of a more formal bio, please read my introductory letter below:
Thank you for visiting my teacher web page. I have been a teacher at WHS since the 1993-94 school year, and I still love my job! Sharing my love of literature, writing, and all things English with teenagers is exciting and rewarding. I cannot imagine any other profession that would bring me such pleasure. While I do enjoy teaching my students, I also enjoy watching them perform on the field, the mat, the court, and the stage as well. Encouraging my students academically and extra-curricularly is mutually beneficial—my students know I appreciate them as more than just a student in a desk :) Please feel free to check out my web page, ask your student to show you my Google Classroom (I post a daily agenda/lesson plan and other resopurces here), and/or contact me if you have any questions.
Joan M. Bohan