John Beck Elementary

Beginning of Year Supply List


If possible, I would like each child to have the following items by the first day of school.


-       a pair of wired headphones/earbuds (not Bluetooth)


- Extra pencils - mechanical are nice, but please make sure to include extra lead as these tend to run out quickly

- 1 large box of tissues (the school’s tissues are quite abrasive)

         ** If you are not able to provide supplies for your child for whatever reason, I will do my best to supply them.

B) “Getting to know you” PROJECT

     We will be completing a project during the first week of school to help the students to get to know each other a little better. Please have your child bring in items for the first day of school that would help us get to know him/her better. There should be small artifacts covering the areas of family, friends, interests, and school (3-4 per topic). Possible artifacts could include pictures (that can be cut), stickers, small drawings, etc.

C) Book share

       A large part of our curriculum is reading 5th grade appropriate chapter books. I will be reading several of them over the summer and expect that your child will read at least one as well. Please have her/him ready to share the author and title of a book that s/he has enjoyed this summer. S/he should also be able to share a brief summary of the book.