Mr. Felty's Educational Philosophy
Enthusiasm, motivation, and dedication are three key elements I believe I possess to help make me an effective teacher. I have provided, and will continue to provide, a safe and orderly environment with a clear focus towards the success and well being for all students. I am proud to mention that my teaching style offers care towards planning and personal reflection. This is to assure that every student is exposed to the different dimensions of learning.
I feel reading continues to keep me informed about the current trends and teaching techniques within the spectrum of the education profession. The "withitness" I strive to sustain as an educator fosters clear expectations for all students. Therefore, higher level thinking skills are continuously learned and refined. Challenging students with the use of problem-solving, cooperative learning, hands-on activities(manipulatives), and technology enables me to integrate instruction for all content areas. These teaching methods are constantly placing emphasis on learning about the ever-changing world. Various well-designed assessment techniques are also implemented to keep students accountable by measuring instructional objectives.
I believe it is through collaboration with others in the school and local community that my students will learn to express themselves as individuals, as well as accept others' point of view. With the intention of preparing all students to become contributing members in a complex society, I model and encourage the use of proper social skills. These skills should ,and are, diverse in practice. Frequent means of communication must be maintained among teachers, parents, students, and other community members in order for quality learning to take place.