Kissel Hill Elementary

About 6th Grade

Contact Us

Mrs. Lisa Colino

Mr. Matt Reber

Mr. Chris Schaffer

To access teacher WebPages:

1.Go to the Warwick homepage at

2.Click on Schools

3.Select Kissel Hill

4.Click on Sixth Grade

5.Select teacher

Policy for Parent Volunteers

Warwick School District requires clearances to be a volunteer in the classroom and on all class trips.

 Kissel Hill Elem. 

   Sixth Grade

Open House


Homework Policy

Kissel Hill has the district’s homework guidelines posted on the Warwick website.Go the district’s homepage click on the school tab and go to Kissel Hill.Please take the time to read the new guidelines for homework and contact us if you have any questions.

¨Students will fill out their planners daily in each class.

¨If the student has missed multiple assignments they may need to stay in at recess to complete the work.

¨If a student is absent for any reason, he/she is responsible for checking with each of their teachers to see what they have missed. Absences will be coded “Ab” in the grade book, this will show up as a 0% until completed.

(See Warwick handbook for district policy)

¨Parents will be notified if their child is consistently missing assignments either by phone/mail/email.

¨Homework will be given when needed as follows:

Homework Assignments for these Subject Areas

Content (Science/Social Studies)- completing reading and book questions if not completed in school.Study vocabulary words on a daily basis.Prepare for tests/quizzes.

Reading– long term projects that are not completed in class. Students are asked to read for 20 minutes each night. Study for tests/quizzes.

Writing – complete any writing pieces not completed in school,

Grammar or Step Up to Writing assignments and study for Rev It Up vocabulary.

Word Study/Spelling – study word patterns

Math – Homework is assigned to reinforce skills.Daily practice for math fluency is encouraged.Review for all tests and quizzes.


Intra Unit (quizzes, projects, classwork) 45%

Homework 5%

End of Unit Assessments – 50%