John Beck Elementary
418 E. Lexington Road
Lititz, PA 17543
Principal: Steven Lin
Four Cycle Days
A- Art
B- Music
C- Library
Classes will go outdoors daily for supervised recess. All students are expected to participate. Please be sure that your child has the appropriate outerwear for cooler days.
As per other years, our discipline policy within the Warwick School District explains how there is a zero tolerance policy against bullying, as well as stating that students will be responsible, they will be respectful, and they will be ready. The entire policy is listed on the district website, so please take time to review it with your child.
Homework will be given to practice, preview, and study/review important learning material. It will be checked for completion, given corrective feedback, and it will total 5% of a subject grade. When given, homework will reach a maximum of about 30 minutes. If more time is spent, the student may need assistance or a reteaching of the lesson.
*Each student is responsible for recording assignments in the provided student planner and for handing them in on time. Trimester grades will reflect incomplete, late, or missing assignments. Assignments will be posted on the board in each classroom, and it will be beneficial for parents to periodically check the planners and grades online to ensure that your child is doing their part in the classroom. By checking in with your student and their assignments at home, we can work together to help your child stay organized and reliable.