Kissel Hill Elementary


First Grade Curriculum

 The first grade curriculum focuses on literacy and math.

Literacy includes guided reading groups, independent reading, phonemic awareness and phonics instruction, and writing. Instruction is delivered in individual, small group and whole group settings to meet your child's needs.  Because of this, your child may receive reading instruction from any of the first grade teachers.  Materials will be consistent throughout all classrooms. All children will use a reading envelope that contains a spelling list/word sort, reading log, a guided reading book and, on occasion, a follow-up activity to do at home.  Please practice reading the book and spelling words for a few minutes each night and sign the reading log.

During daily writing workshops we will focus on:
  • spelling
  • mechanics
  • organization 
  • the writing process
  • the craft of writing

The math curriculum includes concepts such as numeration, addition and
subtraction facts to 18, double digit addition and subtraction with regrouping, place value, time, fractions, geometry and
problem solving. In order to meet the individual needs of the students, your child may receive math instruction from any of the first grade teachers.

 Content areas include science topics such as animals, plants, health, human body, and magnets.  The social studies topics include communities, economics,
citizenship, map skills, Native Americans, Pilgrims.