John Beck Elementary


John Beck Elementary Chorus

Your child has the opportunity to participate in the John Beck Elementary Chorus.  Chorus is a group singing activity that is available to all 5th and 6th grade students.  Students will rehearse one time every four day cycle during the school day in preparation for a concert on February 6, at 6:30, at John Beck Elementary School.  Chorus rehearsals do not interfere with academics.

To become a member of chorus, all interested parents or guardians and students need to complete the attached contract and return it to their homeroom teacher by September 27th. 

Chorus members must uphold the following:

✔            Abide by all regular music class rules.

✔            Attend rehearsals faithfully.

✔            Attend the Concert on February 6, at 6:30 PM

✔            Give 100% effort consistently at all rehearsals and performances.

✔            Demonstrate a good attitude.

✔            Take pride in chorus and strive towards excellence in singing.

✔            Keep up with all academic assignments in the regular classroom.

✔            Commit to the entire concert season.

***To be eligible to participate in the spring musical, and for the Music Club,

students must elect to join the chorus.***

Concert Date:

Thursday, February 6, at 6:30 pm, at John Beck Elementary School.

If you have questions regarding chorus, please feel free to call me at school (717-626-3702) or email me (


Michele Horton


Return to your homeroom teacher. 

Complete only the top or bottom part of this form!

I agree to uphold the John Beck Elementary Choir standards and am committed to working to make great music together.

Student Name: ___________________________  Date:____________________

I have read this contract and understand my child’s commitment to the ensemble.

Parent Name: _____________________________  Date:___________________

Complete this bottom part if your student is NOT participating in Chorus

I have decided not to join the chorus this school year.

Student Name________________________________ Date:________________

I have read the enclosed letter and understand my child’s decision to decline the opportunity to join chorus.

Parent Name:________________________________ Date:_________________