John Beck Elementary

24-25 Welcome Letter

Dear Families,

Welcome to sixth grade! We hope you had a wonderful summer, and are ready to get back to face to face learning.

The sixth grade team is composed of Mrs. Erica Breckenmaker, Mrs. Allison Bernstein, and Mrs. Leslie Morgan. We have been teaching sixth grade students for 22, 18, and 13 years respectively. We are committed and excited to meet everyone and start a wonderful school year.

As we move forward we have provided the list of school supplies below. This list has not changed from the information shared at step up day.

  • Organization is key in 6th grade…what works best for you? (ex. a large 3 ring binder, a small binder for each class, or folders for each class). 
  • For Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science, you will need some type of folder WITH pockets.
  • A 3-SUBJECT spiral notebook for Language Arts.

  • A 1-SUBJECT spiral notebook for Social Studies.
  • You will NOT need anything for Math!
  • Ear buds or Headphones

We always want to be in communication with our families, and this year that is more important than ever. Please feel free to email, call, or send a note at any time. We look forward to meeting your child and working with you throughout the year. We appreciate your trust in us with your child’s safety and welfare.

Erica, Allie, and Leslie