John Beck Elementary

Step Up Day

                    Welcome to 6th Grade

Mrs. Breckenmaker, Mrs. Bernstein, Mrs. Morgan

In order to be prepared for 6th grade, we would appreciate it if each student would come to school with the following materials:

  • Organization is key in 6th grade…what works best for you? (ex. a large 3 ring binder, a small binder for each class, or folders for each class). 

  • For Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science, you will need some type of folder WITH pockets.

  • A 3-SUBJECT spiral notebook for Language Arts.

  • A 1-SUBJECT spiral notebook for Social Studies.

  • You will NOT need anything for Math, as we will supply a specific type of Math Folder that we use for a notebook as well!

  • Earbuds or Headphones

If any of these causes a financial hardship for your family, please contact the John Beck Office 717-626-3702.

Optional items that you could donate to our classroom:

  • Glue sticks for classroom use for Interactive Notebooks

  • Tissues 

  • Extra pencils, erasers, and paper

*It is also very important that you come to 6th grade with a positive attitude, an open mind, and the willingness to work hard!