Warwick School District

Warwick Welcomes New Staff for 2021-2022 School Year

Warwick School District welcomed 19 new staff members to the 2021-2022 Staff Orientation Program. This group is comprised of both staff that are new to the district this year, or who we are welcoming back after starting mid way through last school year. 

Various Warwick administrators and support personnel gave presentations to the incoming staff members on district procedures, protocols, information on departments, technology, and the variety of programming offered to support students of all needs. The orientation also included a tour of all six building, and luncheon.  

New Warwick staff members include: 

Kristen Bedger - John Beck Nurse
Kristen Bonshock - Bonfield Intervention Specialist
Alyssa Wolfe - Kissel Hill 1st Grade 
Erika Deeter - Bonfield 2nd Grade
Ashley Driscoll - High School Learning Support
Christopher Ferranti - Lititz Elementary Physical Education 
Abigail Foster - Warwick Middle School Learning Support
Devon Hearn - Warwick High School Social Studies
Susan Lytle - Bonfield 2nd Grade
Bradley Mehl - Bonfield Emotional Support
Madalyn Molignoni - Beck Intervention Specialist
Meghan Quinn - Kissel Hill 1st Grade 
Lee Ann Reardon - Kissel Hill Autistic Support
Lena Ritter - Kissel Hill/Lititz Elementary EDLP
Erin Ruscigno - Kissel Hill 3rd Grade 
Sarah Snyder - Warwick Middle School Learning Support
Moriah Stauffer - Warwick Middle School Learning Support 
Andrew Stewart - Bonfield 5th Grade
Samantha Wilson - Warwick Middle School Language Arts - Long term sub

"We are both honored and privileged to welcome 19 new staff members to the Warwick family," stated Dr. Ron Hallett, Director of Curriculum and Assessments at Warwick.  "In the short time we have spent together, a passion for students and commitment to the position simply validates our choice for the role."

We are so excited to see what this group has to offer as educators to our students and the inspiration they provide for the team!