Published on March 30, 2022
Pictured above:
Last Row (L - R): Jonah Ahlers, Foster Shrom, Loryn Reniker, Stella Longer, Megan Reniker, Caleb Anderson, Ansh Dwivedi, Lily Grisbacher, Ian Davis, Slade Smoker, Mr. Oberholtzer
Middle Row: Johnny Kellogg, Hunter Schnee, Abigail Kerst, Tim Jackson, Alivia Myers, Austin Van Grouw, Hayden Eby, Rya McKain, Nick Rossi, Seth Jerchau, Logan Fraunfelter
First Row: Mr. Walter, Isaac Afutiti, Rivers Smoker, Ian Boltz, Lizzy Matthews, Maggie Turner, Rebekah Trovinger, Crystal Kirui
Over this past weekend, on Saturday, March 26th, the 2022 Science Olympiad Regional Tournament was held at Millersville University.
Science Olympiad is a national competition focused on science, math, and technology. Teams in the program face-off against other schools first in their region, then in their state, and finally in their country in a variety of disciplines. These disciplines include: biology, chemistry, physical science, earth and space, geology, engineering, technology, and computer science.
Science Olympiad is divided into separate elementary, middle school, and high school programs. In each division there are 23 unique and rotating events that students learn, collaborate on, specialize in, and ultimately compete within. The events themselves can be knowledge based, skill based, and/or lab based in nature.
Our club is currently made up of two teams, one middle school and one high school team. The club is run by Mr. Lee Walter, a science teacher at Warwick Middle School, and Mr. Jeff Oberholtzer, a technology teacher at Warwick Middle School. The club is funded through the Warwick Education Foundation, which for the past nine years, has allowed this program to continue to grow and thrive.
Our Middle School team placed 6th out of 15 teams and our high school team placed 6th out of 25 teams.
Both the middle school and the high school teams qualified to move onto the State Tournament, which will be held on Saturday, April 30th at Penn State Altoona.
In each competition (regionals, states, and nationals), students compete in individual events (23 in total), in which they can earn medals based on their placements (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.). Teams also get a team score based on how students do in all of their events cumulatively. Teams can win trophies for their school and qualify for high level competitions (ex: states and nationals) based on these scores.
See below for our middle school and high school placements for the events that students competed in last weekend:
MS Medals:
2nd - Crime Busters
2nd - Ping Pong Parachute
3rd - Road Scholar
3rd - Bioprocess Lab
3rd - Codebuster
4th - Experimental Design
4th - Rocks and Minerals
4th - Write it Do it
HS Medals:
1st - Write It Do It
2nd - Forensics
2nd - Experimental Design
3rd - Cell Biology
3rd - It's About Time
4th - Ornithology
4th - Ping Pong Parachute
Spectacular job and good luck at States!