Warwick School District

Tonight: 2022 High School Art Show

On Thursday May 26th, the High School will have their annual Art Show from 6:00-8:00PM. The artwork will remain displayed and available for students to view through June 1st, during school hours.

The artwork will be displayed within the high school hallways, beginning at the main office and looping around both hallways surrounding the library. The displays will span down the ramps through both the art wing and the auditorium lobby.

The artwork being showcased at this show will include hundreds of grade 9-12 art students. Additionally, Advanced Placement (AP) Art students will each have a section to create an installation of their artwork from this school year. All of our other amazing art students will have their work displayed in the hallways as well.

Mrs. Angie Hohenadel shares that her favorite part of hosting the art show is, “seeing the pride and smiles on our students' faces as they share their talents with our school and community!”

It has been two years since we were able to hold our annual high school art show, so our students are very excited to finally be able to share their work again. This art show will showcase art made in all classes and levels within the art department. In 2021, we were able to hold a show for our 23 AP Art students, but no other artwork was featured at that time. Being able to host a full art show again and spotlight all different levels and classes of artwork is very exciting for both our staff and students!

We are looking forward to the attendance of many students, staff, and community members to support our talented artists. We hope to see you there!