Warwick School District

Warwick Strong Day 2024

The following message was shared with all Warwick Staff and Families regarding this year's Warwick Strong Day (celebrating throughout the month of December).

"Hello Warwick Families, 

Warwick School District unites each year to appreciate those in our community who have supported our schools through challenging seasons. The event has been named “Warwick Strong Day” and has continued since 2019. The spirit of this event is to give back to others.  We will celebrate acts of kindness beginning on November 25, 2024, and running throughout the month of December. 

We are asking each Warwick family to join us in spreading kindness in a way that makes sense and is meaningful for you.

You may consider:

  • Raking leaves for your elderly neighbor

  • Attend and serve with a local non-profit that is close to your heart  

  • Write a card of thanks and encouragement for someone special to you

  • Donate food or toiletries to the Lititz Community Chest 

No act is too big and no act is too small! After completing your Warwick Strong act of kindness, we ask that you share one of the cards (linked here) with the recipient of your kindness. Encourage those who have been positively impacted to continue to spread kindness forward. We are collecting pictures of the kindness spreading. You can use this form or email  cenigk@warwicksd.org photos for possible inclusion in a future public relations posting. Please note:  pictures submitted may appear on the public Warwick Facebook or Instagram accounts.

We have been so blessed by a community that cares for one another. We want to continue to spread kindness and care to others around us, representing the true WarwickSTRONG spirit. We are excited to see the ideas students and families develop to make a positive difference. Imagine the impact several thousand people focused on acts of kindness can make!

Please plan to engage in your act of service between November 25th through January 6th.

Forever WarwickSTRONG,

The Warwick School District Leadership Team"