John Beck Elementary

Student Welcome Letter

Dear Student,

It is hard to believe that in a few weeks we will be back in school!  Before school begins, I would like to once again welcome you to my class, as well as fill you in on some items.  At Step-Up day, you received a list of materials needed for sixth grade. I sent that list again to your parents or guardians as a reminder over the summer. Most importantly, you will need to develop an organizational system since we will be switching classes regularly (binder, folders, etc.). As in previous years, the school will provide a yearly planner, which I will encourage the use of daily in my classroom.

         My room is in the 6th grade wing, first door on the right (close to the office)- Room 306.  I will be outside of the classroom on the first day to help you find your way.  I have been in our classroom daily preparing for this school year so everything will be set and ready to go when you arrive.

 I am really excited to start the school year.  Just remember that everyone will be a little nervous the first day.  We will spend the day getting to know one another and setting up procedures and routines for the year that will work best for our classroom.  Enjoy the remainder of the summer and I will see you on August 27th!


                                                      Mrs. Breckenmaker