Lititz Elementary

Step-Up Letter

Dear Parents,

         Welcome to first grade.  I will be your child’s first grade teacher.  The purpose of this letter is to give you some things to think about during your summer activities.

         Reading is the main skill taught in first grade.  To prepare your child for success, please plan on weekly reading this summer.  Your child is not expected to read to you.  You should share good books with your child each week. The idea that reading is important and enjoyable is a great gift you can give your child.  With that idea in mind, your child will be eager and ready to learn the skill.  You will be asked to continue weekly reading at home once school begins, so setting up a habit now may help when the hectic days of autumn begin.

         Your child will need to bring a bookbag, headphones, and a water bottle each day.  Everything else such as crayons, pencils, erasers, paper, a folder, etc... is provided and unnecessary to be brought from home. Sneakers are necessary for PE.  (I will let you know which cycle day later in the summer.)  An art “smock” for art class will also be appreciated.  

         My first-grade classroom is on the second floor, room 200, right at the top of the steps above the gym lobby.

         I will be sending a note to you and your child before school begins