Warwick High School

Warrior Since: 2015

Mrs. Brittany Johnson

Math Teacher
(717) 626-3706


For as long as I can remember I always wanted to be a teacher. Yes, I was that girl who came home from school and forced my siblings to be my students in my classroom (much to their disdain). Ultimately I settled as a high school math teacher, but not necessarily for the reason you may assume. Sure I was good at math because it came easy to me, but it wasn't my favorite growing up. I had many friends who struggled in math and "hated math" much like a lot of students tell me at the beginning of the year. It is my goal each day to change this negative perception, to make math easier to understand for all students, and even make it, dare I say, enjoyable. For me though, being a teacher is more than just teaching the math behind the numbers. It is about helping young people take on challenges, work beyond their comfort zone, and grow as individuals. For me, this is what it is all about.


  • Elizabethtown College
    BS, Mathematics
  • LaSalle University
    Masters, Building Positive Classroom Communities